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The OCTG-API is a wrapper built over TagHubs standard APIs, its purposefully designed to standardize the process of all OCTG-material handling. Across the items entire lifecycle, this standardization aims to give full control, interoperability and transparency over any items supply and value chain. To get a thorough understanding of our API, which the OCTG-API is built upon, we recommend reading our standard API-documentation.


Please contact to get an accesskey, and the administrator of TagHub at your company to get a username and password.


  • Staging environment:
  • Production environment:


All items live in what we call a project, for instance Heidrun, Johan Sverdrup or similar, this is created by the administrator in the company.

The different projects have different keys. This key is found in the "Project Explorer" last digits after the "#". Example: In the Heidrun project the key is: e7b0d768-1859-11eb-bac3-02420a000171

For the time being the projects are filtered on name (not key):


You can pass the state as a parameter to the API to get only one. The API also accepts all the parameters of our standard items api[link]. The state indicates where the item is in its lifecycle. Example: The state of an item after it being inspected is set to "Inspection", when this item is moved to a vessel, the state would be "Vessel".

Internally, we store the state as a uuid. Currently we have the following states:

  • Warehouse - 54a18bce-5c18-44ad-bd50-195d069fca2e
  • Inspection - 2d339ab0-58fb-47ac-9fee-ddb3dbb72173
  • Quay - 56e8a3b9-adce-4eb1-a590-f1495cf66683
  • Vessel - 59352b5c-03b8-4b4a-b4a7-bdb0a4982eae
  • Rig - e8592611-60c1-4b9d-be84-5065a9cb7c3c
  • RigOnLocation - 7bab664d-c3ef-4686-b2ab-4784995d3006
  • PlannedForWell - f1d16427-fbcc-44e8-9094-53ed30e24a3a
  • PickedForWell - 527d744c-01db-47fb-9076-8b34fd7843b2
  • InWell - 88b4e5cf-9512-4ce3-8639-67e68776cfb4




OCTG-API individual field explanation

We use a JSON structure to communicate, please have a look at the explanation above to see the OCTG-API Structure with the individual field explanation.


We organize the locations to replicate the common practice use, and it is set as a path. Location is a set of attributes and these are: Rig name - Deck 1 (Pipe deck) or Deck 2 (Fingerboard) - Deck 1 - Fakk 1 - 1/1 (= Position in Fakk: Row 1, Column 1).

Example: A casing on Heidrun, in fakk 1 on the lowest row and in the first position would have the location = Heidrun/Deck 1/Fakk 1/1/1

The Fakk can be manipulated depending on the job and its specifications. Therefore, we are allowing for the location to be updated and manipulated in the app (not a static attribute). The workers applying location will define how many items there are room for in the with and in hight and an algorithm will define the location.


We use barcode technology that is set up after the specification of the client, for this project we are utilizing Aztec codes. The information is explained in text format, not binary. If the codes were binary it would look like this.

